CCSD Tournament Desert Pines HS

2020 — Las Vegas, NV/US

Congress Prelim Docket

Congress Prelim Docket

 Bill to Fund the PREPA Plan to Rebuild the Electrical Grid of Puerto Rico


SECTION 1.  The United States shall appropriate $17.6 billion to fund the PREPA Plan  to rebuild the electrical grid of Puerto Rico.

SECTION 2. PREPA stands for Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority. Rebuilding includes replacing and modernizing the current grid.

SECTION 3.  The Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Defense will oversee and enforce the contracting, expenditure, and accounting for this project.

SECTION 4.  The funds will be earmarked and/or made readily available after the

passage of this bill.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.


Nevada Single Tax Act



1.      Section 1. The State of Nevada will repeal all current taxes including

2.     commerce, property, and sales taxes currently part of Nevada state tax

3.      code and replace them with a single land value tax of 10.5%

4.      Section 2. Land Value Tax being defined as a property tax that disregards

5.      the value of improvements to real estate such as buildings and personal

6.     property.

7.     Section 3. The Nevada Department of Taxation will enforce and collect the tax.

8.     Section 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.


 A Resolution to Reverse the NCAA’s 

Decision to Start Paying College Athletes 


 WHEREAS,               Most college athletes get all, most, or at least some of their college education paid for, and

WHEREAS,                The purpose of college is to be a student-athlete and not an athlete-student, and

WHEREAS,                Paying college athletes distorts the meaning of college and education in general, and

WHEREAS,                The average cost of college for the 2017-2018 school year was $20,770 for public schools (in state) and $46,950 for nonprofit private schools only including tuition, fees, and room and board, and

WHEREAS,                School costs increase every year, and

WHEREAS,                A free college education is not only worth a lot of money but can also be used as a gateway to a successful life, and

WHEREAS,               Allowing students to make money by playing sports in college opens up the possibility of recruiting advantages based on certain school’s increased exposure, therefore, be it

RESOLVED,              That the congress here assembled reverse the NCAA’s decision to start paying college athletes.

 The Women’s Year-Round Assistance with Toddlers and Teens (WYATT) Act


SECTION 1.      Congress shall appropriate $50 billion every year to fund and supply a basic income of $600/month for single mothers in the United States who earn less than $15,000/year.  

a.      This stipend shall hereby be known as the Women’s Year-Round Basic Income (WYBI [WHY-bee-eye]) and shall be distributed on the second Monday of every month, which shall be known as the Day of WYATT.

b.      Recipients of the WYBI shall be prohibited from collecting benefits from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program for as long as they qualify for the WYBI.

SECTION 2.      “Single mother” shall be defined as a woman above the age of 16 years old who maintains custody of a dependent child or dependent children and is widowed, divorced, or unmarried.

SECTION 3.      The United States Department of the Treasury shall institute and oversee implementation of the WYBI.

SECTION 4.      The WYBI shall be distributed via postal service on every Day of WYATT starting with 2021 upon passage of this legislation.

SECTION 5.      All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

The FEAR of Morals Act


SECTION 1.         This Congress will establish the Federal Ethics Administration for Regulation of Morals (FEAR of Morals), tasked with regulations of morals and the protection of American values. 

SEC                                 SECTION 2.         a.            The principal duties of the FEAR of Morals will be to monitor, assess the threat levels of, and advise Congress on the status of Radical Ideological Organizations (RIOs) to Congress.  

b.   RIOs will be defined as:

1.       Radical Political Entities: Seek to cause division or harm to American citizens and to the democratic functions of America.

2.       Radical Economic Entities: Attempt to alter the natural discourse and American path using monetary power or resources.

3.       Radical Foreign Entities: Work to undermine the American government through acts of targeted violence and disruption.

SECTION 3.         The Department of Justice, National Security Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will work with Congress to establish the FEAR of Morals.

a.                   Any funding required by the Administration will be allocated from the budget of the Department of Defense or alternatively allocated by Congress.

SECTION 4.         This bill will go into effect immediately, with the actual establishment of the FEAR of Morals completed by January 1, 2021.

SECTION 5.         All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.


A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Impose Term Limits on Federal Judges



2 RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article

3 is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States,

4 which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution

5 when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states

6 within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress:

7 SECTION 1. No federal judge appointed after the passage of this article may serve on
8 any individual court for longer than sixteen years.

9 SECTION 2. No federal judge already serving before the passage of this article may

10 serve for more than sixteen additional years in their current role

11 following the passage of this article.

12 SECTION 3. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate

13 legislation.


 The Firearm Registration Act of 2020



2 SECTION 1. All firearms owned in the United States must have a registered owner.

3 SECTION 2. A registered owner may be a private individual or, if an organization, a

4 Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder.

5 SECTION 3. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shall keep a record of all

6 registered firearm owners that includes the name, Social Security number

7 (if applicable), FFL information (if applicable), and results of a completed

8 background check for each owner.

9 SECTION 4. No firearm may be purchased or have its ownership transferred in any

10 way without updating its registration information through the FBI.

11 SECTION 5. Individuals or FFL holders owning firearms before the passage of this Act

12 must register their firearms with the FBI within one year of this Act’s

13 effective date.

14 SECTION 6. The United States Armed Forces and legally recognized branches of law

15 enforcement may continue to own and operate firearms without regard

16 to this legislation.

17 SECTION 6. This legislation shall be enforced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

18 SECTION 7. This legislation shall go into effect on January 1, 2021.

19 SECTION 8. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.