34th Annual Stanford Invitational

2020 — Stanford, CA/US

Coronavirus information

Stanford Debate is committed to taking appropriate Coronavirus precautions, as guided by authorities including the US Centers for Disease Control, Stanford Environmental Health & Safety, and others.
For reference, here is Stanford Environmental Health & Safety's official page covering the Coronavirus: https://ehs.stanford.edu/news/2019-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov.  The most statement on campus classes and events, pasted in below and underlined for emphasis, is of particular importance for our tournament:
Currently, Stanford classes, events, and other campus activities are continuing without interruption.
For all events, all attendees should self-monitor for fever, cough, and other symptoms and stay home or isolate if ill. Anyone arriving from mainland China should refrain from attending campus events until 14 days have passed since their departure from China.
Any registered squad(s) which have attendees directly impacted by the current travel guidance issued by the United States, other nations, or Stanford University should reach out directly to the tournament as soon as possible by emailing invitational@stanforddebate.com if they have not already done so with any questions so that we may assist.