Furman Paladin Invitational

2020 — Greenville, SC/US


Below are the topics or topic areas for each event.

We will be using the December legislation provided by the NSDA. The legislation can be found at the following link: https://www.speechanddebate.org/congress-legislation-2019-december/

Public Forum Debate (Varsity and JV)
Resolved: The United States should end its economic sanctions against Venezuela.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Varsity and JV)
Resolved: States ought to eliminate their nuclear arsenals.

World Schools Debate
Round 1: This House would stop sending humans into space.
Round 2: Impromptu-Motion released one hour prior to round.
Round 3: This House regrets the War on Drugs.
Round 4: Impromptu-Motion released one hour prior to round.

Extemporaneous Speaking
Round 1:
U.S.A. Federal Politics
Round 2: The Middle East and North Africa
Round 3: U.S.A Social Issues
Round 4: China and Southeast Asia
Final Round: International Hot Spots

Impromptu Speaking:
Round 1:
Song Lyrics
Round 2: Political Cartoons
Round 3: Celebrities
Round 4: Countries
Final Round: Fortune Cookies