Big Wave Daves Birthday Bash Alt Event Extravaganza

2019 — Claremont, CA/US

World School Debate Motions

Big Wave Dave’s Birthday Bash Alt Event



World Schools Debate Motions


We will have a total of five rounds of debate; three will be prepared motions and two will be impromptu motions.  


For prepared motions, teams may research and prepare in any way they deem appropriate prior to the round.  They may carry with them into the round, any prepared notes and copies of documents they may utilize and consult during the round.  However, no electronic devices may be used. (Offline phone may be used for timing.)


For the impromptu motions, we will guarantee 40 minutes of prep time, during which time debaters may not consult the internet.  Nor may they utilize any pre-printed and/or collected research materials. During the sequestered prep time, they may consult a dictionary, an almanac and each other.  


Prepared Motions:


1. This house regrets the use of autonomous weapons systems.


2. This house believes the continued War on Drugs is necessary


3. This house would oppose any and all mandatory minimum sentencing laws.

Impromptu Motion Topic Areas:


1. America’s refugee policy


2. U.S. efforts to promote democracy