Tarheel Forensic League State Championship

2019 — Charlotte, NC/US

Extemp/Impromptu Topic Areas

Extemp Topic Areas

Round 1:  Asia and Europe

Round 2: US Politics

Round 3: Middle East and North Africa

Round 4: US Economics

Round 5: The Americas & Sub-Saharan Africa

Semis (if necessary):  US Immigration, Legal, and Security Issues

Finals: US Foreign Affairs


Impromptu Topic Areas

The following topics are listed in no particular order.  Each round will use one of the following topic areas.

1. Rules to Live By

2. Things I cannot Live Without.

3. Smart Words about Education

4. The quotable Dr. Seuss

5. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

6. Famous Movie Quotes

7. Life Slogans

8. The Most Looked-up Words for 2019 – So Far