Mid America Cup
2024 — Online, IA/US
Independent Entries
We allow independent entry. The below listed requirements must be met. If we discover at any point that any of these requirements have not been met -- before or during the event -- entries will be removed from the tournament.
1) You must represent a public or private accredited school. No student may enter as a member of a drill group, debate club, or any other entity that is not a public or private school.
2) Your school's administration must be aware of, and approve of, your attendance at the MAC.
3) Your school's debate coaching staff must be aware of, and approve of, your attendance at the MAC. By this we mean that the main person in charge of the school's entire debate program. It is not sufficient if only an independent coach, drill group instructor, assistant coach, or anyone else who is not your debate team's main or head coach, is aware of your entry.
4) You must enter under your school's actual name. Invented names or team names appended with words like "Independent" can't be allowed because some of our guests hail from states whose high school activities leagues do not permit them to compete against independent entries.
5) You must be accompanied by a responsible adult capable of overseeing travel and accommodations. This person must be approved by your school and coaching staff. This person must be listed as your team contact on Tabroom, must provide contact information, and must be available throughout the tournament.If you are in person,this person must be present at the competition at all times.If you are online,this person must be reachable by phone during all competition hours.
6) Provided judges must be experienced in judging national circuit debates, and must be comfortable with flowing and making decisions based on the flow and arguments in the round. If the tournament staff is unconvinced that any provided judge has the level of experience necessary for a high-quality national competition, we will remove them from the pool and require that you replace them.