Isidore Newman School Invitational
2016 — New Orleans, LA/US
Independent Entries and Adult Supervision Policy
We do not accept independent entries. For clarification, all students must represent a diploma-granting secondary school, have their school administration’s or school-approved coach's permission to attend the tournament, and have a school-approved adult chaperone with them at the tournament. If students compete in a partnered-event (Duo, PF, Policy), both partners must compete and be from the same diploma-granting school. If you have questions about this policy, please ask. We will not be entertaining questions from "word smiths". Our intent is clear, and the spirit of this rule will be enforced, even if you find a creative interpretation of the letter of this rule.
If at any time the tournament discovers a student or school does not meet the aforementioned criteria, the student and/or school will be disqualified from the tournament and lose their entry fees. If this is discovered after the tournament, any qualification to NIETOC or UK's TOC will be revoked (as we have done in the past), and we will do our best to contact other tournament directors to prevent a student in violation from this policy from being able to enter other tournaments (as we have done in the past).