TFA State

2023 — Houston, TX/US

State Fees

2023 TFA State Fees

CX Debate


PF Debate


LD Debate


World Schools Debate


Congressional Debate


Duet Acting/Duo


Individual Events


Consolation Events


Judge Bond


Hired Debate Judge (each)

Hired Speech Judge (each)



Hired Congress Judge


SCHOOLS MAY PAY THEIR BALANCE BY CREDIT CARD! Once your fees are finalized, go to the following link and click on "State Fees". Then, enter the amount shown on Tabroom in the box. You will be responsible for any processing fees.


The judging bond may be submitted in any of the following ways:

  1. The judge's bond may be part of the entry fee check.

  2. The judge's bond may be a separate check. (Preferred)

  3. The judge's bond may be a personal check.

Schools that send a separate check for the judge bond (school or personal) will have their check held and given back to them uncashed after the completion of the tournament at checkout. Schools that send a combined check for the bond and entry fee will receive a refund check after the completion of tournament obligations at checkout.

The judge's bond is required to participate in the tournament.