Thomas S Foley TOCNIETOC Bid Memorial Tournament

2023 — Spokane, WA/US

International Diplomacy Rules & Information

The 2023Thomas S. Foley Memorial

International Diplomacy Competition

International Diplomacy Rules and Procedures

Enjoy yourself. Don’t stress! Remember all students in this competition are third or fourth-year world language students. You are all new at this. Relax and have fun. You will be surprised at how much you have learned and how talented you are in your target language.

We have changed the rules for International Diplomacy to make the event more accessible to students studying a world language, to allow the event to become a vehicle to assist students who may be considering taking the STAMP test and to bring the event more in line with true diplomacy as opposed to debate. Please remember that this is a diplomacy event – not a debate event.

According to the National Geographic,

Diplomacyis the art and science ofmaintainingpeaceful relationships betweennations, groups, or individuals. Often, diplomacy refers torepresentativesof different groups discussing such issues asconflict,trade, theenvironment,technology, orsecurity.

People who practice diplomacy are calleddiplomats. Diplomats try to help their own country, encourage cooperation between nations, and maintain peace. ... (Diane Boudreau, Melissa McDaniel, Erin Sprout, and Andrew Turgeon, “Diplomacy.” National Geographic, National, September 21, 2022, Accessed 4 December 2022.)

Contestants in this event will play the part of diplomats. You will sign up for the embassy of your target language country. Students studying Spanish will have a choice of representing either Spain or Mexico. Contestants may also represent France or Germany.

In the preliminary sessions, contestants will be working in their own embassies and discussing the questions listed below with their fellow diplomats in an effort to reach agreed solutions to the stated matters. Issues which are not fully addressed in session one may carry over to session two.

Contestant scores and ranking in the preliminary sessions will be based fifty percent on mastery of target languages (e.g., how well does the contestant speak Spanish/French/German).

Competitors may use an electronic or print dictionary in their target language. Students are also allowed to lapse into English, but higher scores should be given to students who are best able to converse in their target languages. The other fifty percent of a contestant’s score will be based upon the student’s effectiveness in addressing the identified issue or problem. (e.g., How well did the diplomat identify and explain the issue(s)? Was the diplomat able to help resolve any problem(s)? etc.)

Each preliminary round will be moderated and judged by a person conversant in the target language. This person will most likely, but not necessarily, be a world language teacher.

I. Preliminary Sessions

Embassy Agenda

A. Tourism

Your embassy is hoping to foster tourism. Prior to competition, research a tourist site or activity (of your choice) in your chosen country (France, Germany, Spain, or Mexico). At the competition, deliver a presentation on your chosen tourist site or activity. The use of visual aids is optional, but not required.

B. Issues for Discussion:

Prior to the tournament:

Read up on the following three issues. Links to articles relevant to each issue (by country) are provided in the appendix to help you understand these matters. You may supplement the provided materials with your own research.

Lists of suggested vocabulary words (by language) are also provided in the appendix to assist in your preparation. Look up and study these words. You may also study other words in your target language to prepare for the competition.

At the tournament:

During the preliminary sessions, discuss the following three issues with the diplomats in your embassy. As a group come to a consensus as to how your country and embassy should respond to these matters.


1. Environment

What are the most important environmental problems affecting your country? Should your embassy work with other countries to alleviate these problems? How should these problems be resolved?

2. Social Media

How should your country balance free speech vs the rise of hate speech, disinformation, misinformation, and uncorroborated conspiracy theories on social media?

3. Cultural Preservation

Discuss the unique cultural heritage of your country and the actions which your country should take to preserve its culture and heritage.

I. Finals - Catalonian Independence Summit

The top four competitors from each target language country will meet for the final round which will be a mock Summit Meeting held by French President Emmanuel Macron (or possibly someone subbing for him ????).

1. President Macron (or his sub) will preside over the meeting and will speak in English for ease in facilitating negotiations.

2. The purpose of the summit will be to negotiate a settlement of Catalonian Independence issues.

3. Judges will be selected on the same criteria as in the preliminary sessions. Preliminary session judges are eligible to judge in finals.

4. Judging of competitors will be on the same criteria as the preliminary sessions.

5. Competitors should speak, to the extent possible, in their target languages.

6. When any competitor speaks, the judge of the applicable language will translate the speech into English for the benefit of the other competitors in the room. Prior to speaking, the competitor will explain, in English, to the applicable target language judge what s/he/they will be saying. This should be done to help the judge in the translation (i.e. to prevent contestant language errors from affecting negotiations).

7. At the conclusion of the final session, all judges will meet to rank the top five contestants. As opposed to other types of speech competition, the judges are instructed to talk with and work with each other to come up with an agreed list of the five best competitors. Awards will be presented at the Tournament Awards Ceremony.

8. A copy of an article from the BBC explaining Catalonian Independence is reprinted below. Many other interesting articles on this subject are easily available on the internet, including a fairly comprehensive Wikipedia article. Although Wikipedia is not usually considered a good source in academic matters, it does provide background information and citations to other sources.

9. As with the preliminary rounds, suggested vocabulary words are provided in the appendix.


Appendixes for International Diplomacy

Our committee is still working on the vocabulary. We will update this invitation and the websites when the suggested vocabulary for all languages in complete.

Appendix A

International Diplomacy Appendix A – Suggested Vocabulary

The Vocabulary Lists Below Have Been Copied from the Internet with Citations Preceding Each Article.

Environmental Issues


Constanze, “The Environment: German Vocab & Reading,” German Language Blog, Apr 29, 2019, (Accessed 13, December, 2022)

The Environment: German Vocab & ReadingPosted byConstanzeon Apr 29, 2019 inCulture,Language

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to talk aboutdie Umwelt(the environment). Each year on April 22nd, the world celebratesder Tag der Erde(Earth Day). This is a day where events are held and awareness is raised about protectingunser Planet(our planet) and the environment. This post will provide you with plenty of vocabulary on the environment, and related posts from this blog about Germany and the environment.

Earth Day– der Tag der Erde

Earth– die Erde

environment– die Umwelt

environmentally-friendly– umweltfreundlich

pollution– die Umweltverschmutzung (sometimes shortened todie Verschmutzung)

climate change– der Klimawandel

global warming– die globale Erwärmung

greenhouse effect– der Treibhauseffekt

renewable energy– die erneuerbare Energie

solar panel– der Sonnenkollektor (‘sun collector’!)

recycling– das Recycling / die Wiederverwertung

to recycle– recyceln / wieder verwerten

to reduce– reduzieren

to reuse– wieder verwenden

waste– der Abfall / der Müll

to waste– verschwenden

zero waste– null-Abfall / null-Müll

extreme weather– das extremes Wetter (also called‘das Unwetter’)

eco-system– das Ökosystem

deforestation– die Abholzung

over-fishing– die Überfischung

agriculture– die Landwirtschaft

meat consumption– der Fleischkonsum

plastic– das Plastik / der Kunststoff

straw– der Strohhalm

plastic bag– die Plastiktüte

paper bag– die Papiertüte

sea– das Meer

ocean– der Ozean

lake– der See

forest– der Wald

volcano– der Vulkan

iceberg— der Eisberg

fresh air– die frische Luft

Here is a selection of posts on this blog that talk about environmental topics in Germany:

Rettet die Bienen!
This post discusses attempts in Germany to save the bees.

The first section of this post talks about the banning of diesel cars in Germany.

Der Blaue Engel
This post talks about a German stamp that signifies a product is environmentally friendly.

This post talks about how waste gets separated in Germany.

Bottle deposits (Pfand)
The second part of this post talks about the bottle deposit (Pfand) system in Germany.

This post talks about the 2018 German ‘Word Of The Year’, which references the extremely hot weather Germany had that year.


(Fox Hugh, “123 Spanish Environmental Vocabulary,” Accessed 13 December, 2022)

acid rain – lluvia acida

animal animal

artificial – artificial

bird – pájaro

bush – arbusto

carbon dioxide – dioxido de carbono

chemicals – sustancias quimicas

climate change – cambio climatico

cloud – nube

conservation – conservacion

contaminant – contaminante

contamination – contaminacion

crater – cráter

deforestation – deforestacion

eco-friendly – que no daña el medio ambiente

ecological – ecologico

ecologist – ecologista

ecosystem – ecosistema

effluent – aguas residuales

endangered species – especies en peligro de extincion

environment – medio ambiente

environmental – medioambiental

environmentalist – ecologista

environmentally friendly – que no daña el medio ambiente

extinction – extincion

fish pez

flower – flor

forest – bosque

garbage disposal (US) – eliminacion de residuos

garbage separation (US) – separacion de residuos

global warming – calentamiento global

grass – césped

greenhouse effect – efecto invernadero

greenhouse gases – los gases de efecto invernadero

habitat loss – la pérdida del hábitat

insects – insectos

invasive species – las especies invasoras

jungle – selva

leaf – hoja

moon – luna

natural – natural

nature naturaleza

noise pollution – contaminacion acoustica

nuclear radiation – radiacion nuclear

nuclear waste – los residuos nucleares

oil spills – los derrames de petróleo

organic – organico

overpopulation – la superpoblación

ozone – ozono

ozone depletion – el agotamiento del ozono

ozone layer – capa de ozono

ozone-friendly – que no daña la capa de ozono

plant – planta

poaching – la caza furtiva

pollution – polucion, contaminacion

product – producto

radioactive substance – sustancia radiactiva

radioactive waste – residuos radiactivos

radioactivity – radiactividad

recyclable – reciclable

recycled – reciclado

recycling – reciclaje

reforestation – repoblacion forestal

river – río

root – raíz

sewage – aguas residuales

sewage farm (GB) – estacion depuradora

sewage plant (US) – estacion depuradora

sewage works (GB) – estacion depuradora

shovel – pala

sky – cielo

smog – smog, la niebla tóxica

soil – tierra

solar energy – energia solar

species – especie

sulfur dioxide (US) – dioxido de azufre

sulphur dioxide (GB) – dioxido de azufre

sun – sol

swimming pool – piscina

to become extinct – extinguirse

to conserve – conservar

to contaminate – contaminar

to die out – extinguirse

to grow – crecer

to poison – envenenar

to pollute – contaminar

to recycle – reciclar

toxic waste – residuos toxicos

trail – sendero

trash – la basura

tree – árbol

urban sprawl – la expansión urbana

vegetable garden – huerta

vegetables – vegetales

volcano – volcán

waste disposal (GB) – eliminacion de residuos

waste separation (GB) – separacion de residuos

wind power – energia eolica


(Issokson, David, “French Environment and Ecology Vocabulary,” French Learner, June 14, 2020 • Updated May 3, 2021, Accessed 13, December, 2022)

  • biodegradablebiodégradable
  • biodiversitybiodiversité f
  • environmental biologistbiologiste en environnement (m/f)
  • coalcharbon m
  • climateclimat m
  • ozone layercouche d’ozone f
  • deforestationdéforestation f
  • desertificationdésertification f
  • sustainable developmentdéveloppement durable m
  • carbon dioxidedioxyde de carbone m
  • ecologistécologiste (m/f)
  • energy conversationéconomies d’énergie fp
  • greenhouse effecteffet de serre m
  • fumesémanations, fumées fp
  • wind energyénergie éolienne
  • energyénergief
  • clean energyénergie propre f
  • renewable energyénergie renouvelable f
  • solar energyénergie solaire f
  • environmentenvironnement m
  • environmentalistenvironnementaliste
  • endangered speciesespèce en voie d’extinction f
  • unleaded petrolessence sans plomb f
  • extinctionextinction f
  • wastegaspillage m
  • floodinondation f
  • carbon footprintl’empreinte carbone f
  • oil slickmarée noire f
  • carbon monoxidemonoxyde de carbone m
  • NGO ONGf
  • acid rainpluie acide f
  • pollutionpollution f
  • pollutantproduit polluant m
  • disposable productsproduits jetables mp
  • Kyoto protocolprotocole de Kyoto m
  • global warmingréchauffement climatique m
  • recyclingrecyglage m
  • natural resourcesressources naturelles fp
  • preservationsauvegarde f
  • scientistscientifique (m/f)
  • droughtsécheresse f
  • earthquaketremblement de terre m

(Issokson, David, “French Climate Change And Global Warming Vocabulary,” French Learner, October 2, 2020 • Updated April 27, 2021, Accessed 13, December, 2022)

Weather and energy

  • climatele climat
  • climatologistun/une climatologue, climatologiste
  • droughtune sécheresse
  • precipitationle précipitations (f)
  • solar energyl’énergie solaire
  • weatherle temps, la météo
  • global climatele climat global de la Terre
  • regional climatesles climats régionaux
  • tornadosles tornades (f)
  • hurricanesles ouragan (m)
  • stormsles tempêtes (f)
  • natural disastersles catastrophes naturelles (f)
  • renewable energyles énergies renouvelables (f)
  • nuclear energyl’énergie nucléaire (f)
  • wind power, wind energyl’énergie éolienne (f)
  • solar energyl’énergie solaire (f)
  • hydroelectric powerl’énergie hydraulique


  • climate changele changement climatique, le dérèglement climatique
  • global warmingle réchauffement climatique
  • atmospherel’atmosphère (f)
  • barometric pressurela pression atmosphérique
  • concentrationla concentration
  • ecosystemun écosystème
  • environmentl’environment (m)
  • fossil fuelun combustible fossile
  • greenhouse gasle gaz à effet de serre
  • greenhouse gas emissionsles émissions de gaz à effet de serre
  • greenhouse effectl’effet de serre (m)
  • methane concentrationla concentration de méthane
  • carbon dioxide (CO2)le dioxyde de carbone
  • average temperaturela température moyenne

Geography and land

  • deforestationle déboisement, déforestation
  • glacierun glacier
  • planetla planète
  • oceansles océans (m)
  • sub-tropical countriesles pays subtropicaux
  • polar regionsles régions polaires
  • sea ice, pack icela banquise

History, time periods, people

  • industrial revolutionla révolution industrielle
  • human activityles activités humaines (f)
  • the increase in average temperaturel’augmentation de la température moyenne (f)
  • phenomenonun phénomène
  • recordingun enregistrement
  • time periodune période
  • melting of glaciersla fonte des glaciers
  • animal speciesles espèces animales
  • ice age, glacial periodune période glaciaire
  • gas emissionsles rejets de gaz
  • carsles voitures (f)
  • factoriesles usines (f)
  • consequences of climate changeles conséquences du réchauffement climatique
  • raising of livestockl’élevage (m)
  • increase of heatl’augmentation de chaleur (f)
  • increase in sea levelsl’augmentation du niveau de la mer
  • carbon taxune taxe carbone

Verbs related to climate change

  • to warm upse réchauffer
  • to increaseaugmenter
  • to disappeardisparaître
  • to burn fossilfules brûler les énergies fossiles
  • to destroyforests détruire les forêts
  • to release carbonrelâcher le carbone
  • to emitCO2 émettre le CO2
  • to fight against climate changelutter contre le réchauffement climatique
  • to remedy the problemremédier le problème

Appendix B

International Diplomacy Appendix B – Research Starts

Links to articles on Social Media Issues by Language/Country





Social Media Issues in General

Cultural Preservation Issues





Cultural Heritage Preservation in General

Environmental Issues





Appendix C

Catalonian Independence BBC Article

Catalonia's bid for independence from Spain explained


18 October 2019

Catalonia's independence movement is back in the headlines after Spain's Supreme Court jailed nine separatist leaders, prompting days of protests.

The crisis first flared in October 2017, when a banned independence referendum was met with a heavy police crackdown.

Madrid imposed direct rule on the region shortly after.

It is the country's biggest political crisis since democracy was restored in 1975, after the death of military dictator General Francisco Franco.

What's the context?

Catalonia is one of Spain's wealthiest and most productive regions and has a distinct history dating back almost 1,000 years.

Before the Spanish Civil War it enjoyed broad autonomy but that was suppressed under Gen Franco.

Catalan crisis in 300 words

Could Catalonia make a success of independence?

When Franco died, the region was granted autonomy again under the 1978 constitution and prospered as part of the new, democratic Spain.

A 2006 statute granted even greater powers, boosting Catalonia's financial clout and describing it as a "nation", but Spain's Constitutional Court reversed much of this in 2010.

Many Catalans feels they would be better off as an independent nation

The 2008 financial crash and Spanish public spending cuts fuelled local resentment and separatism.

There is a widespread feeling that the central government takes much more in taxes than it gives back.

But the complexity of budget transfers makes it hard to judge exactly how much more Catalans contribute than they get back from investment in services, such as schools and hospitals.

How did we get here?

Following a symbolic referendum in November 2014, outlawed by Spain, separatists won the 2015 regional election.

Catalonia's pro-independence leaders then went ahead with a full referendum on 1 October 2017, which was also declared illegal by Spain's constitutional court.

Organisers said 90% of voters backed a split. But turnout was only 43% amid a boycott by unionists.

In a febrile atmosphere the separatist majority in the Catalan parliament declared independence on 27 October.

Using the Article 155 emergency powers, Madrid dissolved parliament, sacked its leaders and called a snap election for 21 December.

Separatists won a slim majority. The following May, Catalonia's parliament swore in Quim Torra as their new president, after Madrid blocked several other candidates. Mr Torra vowed to continue fighting for independence.

The sight of Spanish national police beating voters, and politicians being jailed, revived disturbing memories, for some, of the Franco dictatorship.

Carles Puigdemont - then Catalan president - fled abroad with several other leaders. Many who remained were arrested and charged with treason.

Spain's Supreme Court finally sentenced nine of the arrested Catalan leaders in October, sparking the latest unrest.

Former vice president Oriol Junqueras was handed a 13-year prison sentence for sedition and misuse of public funds. The other eight receive sentences of between 12 and 9 years.

Demonstrators took to the streets in fury and have repeatedly clashed with police in some of the worst street violence to hit Spain in decades.

If the separatists do ever manage to split away, it would be hard for Catalonia to win recognition internationally.

New states mostly emerge from situations where ethnic groups have been victims of genocide or other major human rights abuses.

Kosovo was a huge humanitarian crisis for Europe - even so, many countries refuse to recognise it as independent.

What does the crisis mean for the country?

Catalonia has its own language and distinctive traditions, and a population nearly as big as Switzerland's (7.5 million). It is one of Spain's wealthiest regions, making up 16% of the national population and accounting for almost 19% of Spanish GDP.

It's also a vital part of the Spanish state, locked in since the 15th Century.

Barcelona has become one of the EU's best-loved city-break destinations, famed for its 1992 Summer Olympics, trade fairs, football and tourism.

Generations of people from poorer parts of Spain have moved there for work, forming strong family bonds with regions such as Andalusia.

During this crisis, the Catalan economy has suffered. Thousands of businesses, including major banks and energy firms, have moved their headquarters out of the region.

The EU has treated the crisis as an internal matter for Spain, deaf to the separatists' pleas for support.

However, there have been warnings that the issue is damaging Spain's democratic credentials.

In 2017 the Economist Intelligence Unit, which compiles an influential annual democracy ranking, said Spain risked being downgraded from a "full democracy" to a "flawed" one over its handling of the situation.

(“Catalonia's Bid for Independence from Spain Explained,” BBC, October 18, 2019. Accessed 13 December, 2022)

Appendix D (Miscellaneous)

The following two websites may or may not be of help to students.

