NSDA Middle School Nationals

2022 — NSDA Campus, US


Students must have been in the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth grade during the 2021-2022 academic school year. There is no qualification process; this is an open tournament. Students and their school must be NDSA members.

Students involved with non-school clubs must instead be registered with the school at which they are enrolled. Contestants found to be violating this rule will be disqualified. The Board of Directors affirms the creation, support, and development of speech and debate programs at the middle and secondary levels through accredited public and private schools. All members of the Association must be school-based. For any club or organization that does not currently have a school-based membership, the NSDA is eager to work with you to create school-based speech and debate teams. Students who are currently members through their area non-school-based clubs and organizations may request to have their memberships transferred to their accredited public and private schools. Homeschools and virtual schools that are recognized by the state in which those schools compete may join the National Speech & Debate Association. Please contact info@speechanddebate.org for more information.