La Reina Spring Fling Middle School and High School Tournament

2021 — NSDA Campus, CA/US

Congress Legislation LR Spring Fling 2021

Bill #1: A Resolution to Make the District of Columbia a State


1 WHEREAS, the District of Columbia is not fully represented in Congress,

2 and

3 WHEREAS, citizens of the District pay Federal taxes and fees as other Americans,

4 and

5 WHEREAS, Taxation without representation is un-American,

6 BE IT RESOLVED that the District of Columbia be made a State of the United States of America with all equal 7 rights and responsibilities.



Bill #2: A Bill to Allow Non-Violent Felons the Right to Vote in Federal Elections



2 SECTION 1. Non-violent felons shall be given the right to vote in federal elections.

3 SECTION 2. Non-violent felons shall be defined as individuals whose offenses did not involve

4 the use or threat of any force and did not result in physical injury to another party.

5 SECTION 3. This bill shall be enforced by the Federal Election Commission (FEC)

6 A. This bill will apply to felons while in prison, on parole, or post-incarceration

7 SECTION 4. This bill shall be implemented by November 8, 2022, with two-hundred-million

8 dollars allocated to its implementation.

9 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.


Introduced for Congressional Debate by the Jack Howe Memorial Legislation Committee


Bill #3: A Bill to End Birthright Citizenship


  1. Whereas, foreign citizens come to the United States pretending to be tourists in order to give birth in this country.

  2. And Whereas, birthright tourism undermines the law and intent of American citizenship,

  3. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: America end unlimited birthright citizenship, and

  4. Section 2: Citizenship may only come from at least one parent already being an American citizen and/or naturalized through the normal legal procedures.


Bill #4: A Bill to Make Daylight Savings Time Permanent


  1. Whereas, the origin of Daylight Savings Time was to save energy and fuel, and

  2. Whereas, the advantages of Standard Time with more daylight hours doesn't make sense in a modern world of cars and mass transit.

  3. BE IT ENACTED BY THIS CONGESS that Daylight Savings Time be made permanent nationwide.


Bill #5: A Bill to End Gasoline Powered Autos


 Whereas, climate change is a threat to all humanity, and

  1. Whereas, gasoline engines are a significant source of pollution, and

  2. Whereas, all electric vehicles are increasingly dependable and functional,

  3. Be it enacted by this House that no gas-powered vehicles be sold after January 1, 2030.


Bill #6: Bill to Expand the Justices of the US Supreme Court


  1. Whereas, the population and demographics of the U.S. is significantly different from the beginning of the Supreme Court, and

  2. Whereas, adding members would make "court packing" by a political party harder to do, 

Be it enacted by this House that the US Supreme Court should be expanded by 5 more Justices nominated by the President and confirmed by the US Senate.



Bill #7: Bill to Eliminate the Electoral College


  1. Whereas, the Electoral College was invented during a time of poor communication among the States, and

  2. Whereas, the Electoral College is inherently undemocratic, and

  3. Whereas, the United States purports to be a democratic system of government,

  4. Let it be enacted by this House that the Electoral College in the US be eliminated and replaced by the preponderance of the popular vote nationwide.


Bill #8: Bill to Eliminate Life Sentences for Juvenile Offenders


  1. Whereas, the system of justice should be based on recognition of juvenile rights and differences, and

  2. Whereas, there are still US States that subject minors to the possibility of life sentences, and

  3. Whereas, these sentences preclude any chance of rehabilitation, 

  4. Be it enacted by this House that all juveniles be exempt from the possibility of life in prison.



Bill #9: Bill to Eliminate the Filibuster Rule in the Senate


  1. Whereas, Congress inability to pass legislation has been increasingly partisan, and

  2. Whereas, the United States of America needs timely and comprehensive legislation relating to infrastructure, immigration, criminal justice and taxation,

  3. BE IT ENACTED that the current filibuster rule in the US Senate be eliminated.


Bill #10: Bill to Eliminate Student Loan Debt


  1. Whereas, student loan debt has reached record setting proportions, and

  2. Whereas, a college education is more valuable than ever for a successful career, and

  3. Whereas, student loan debt is not subject to bankruptcy protections,

  4. BE IT ENACTED that student loan debt of over ten years be forgiven in full and repaid by the Federal government to any private providers of such loans.