Jack Howe Memorial Tournament

2021 — Online, CA/US

Parliamentary Event

Jack Howe 2021 Parliamentary Debate Information

Event Tabbed by Sarah Sherwood

We will using the following topic areas for this year’s tournament. The resolutions will be a mix of Fact, Value, and Policy. Also these topic areas are listed in no particular order and not all will be utilized.




South America



Voting Rights

Middle East

Copyright law






Speech Times:

Prep: 20 Minutes

PMC (Aff)- 7:00 min

LOC (Neg)- 8:00 min

MGC (Aff)- 8:00 min

MOC (Neg)- 8:00 min

LOR (Neg)- 4:00 min

PMR (Aff)- 5:00 min


Online Competition: Jack Howe is remaining online for the 2021 Tournament. Rounds will be held in NSDA Campus rooms. Judges should report to their rooms at least 10 minute before the round starts, and students must all be in the room at the conclusion of prep time. Coaches please make sure your students and judges are familiar with NSDA campus prior to the tournament.

Single Division: There is a single division of Parliamentary Debate. This means that while everyone can enter Novice students will possibly face older and more experienced students.

Judging Burden: Because Parli is single flighted the judge burden has been raised to one judge for every two Parli teams or fraction there of.

TOC Bid: We are a bid tournament for the National Parliamentary Debate League. For more information about the NPDL you can find them here: https://www.parliamentarydebate.org/

Flighting: This year parliamentary debate will be single flighted. This means there will be more time for students between rounds, and will make it easier for students to double enter in speech. It is still the responsibility of the students to arrive to the topic announce doc on time and arrive to round within the grace period.

Double Entry: Debaters entered into Parliamentary Debate can also enter ONE Individual Event with the exception of Extemp. Due to needing to prep we still do not recommend doing both Prep events, we thank you for understanding.

Topic Announce: Topic announce will occur at the times listed on the posted schedule. The topic will be announced two ways. A google drive link will be sent out in a blast to the students after pairings for round 1 where they will be able to see the topics. They can also follow @HoweParli on Twitter and get the topics via tweet. From announce they will have twenty minutes to prep and get to their Campus Room. We will have a very strict 5 minute drop time. This will be enforced.

Prep: Jack Howe is allowing Open Prep for the tournament. This means internet usage during prep is acceptable and allowed. Because we are using NSDA Campus and all schools will have a squad room we are allowing team prep and coach prep. The reasoning is that we cannot in reality enforce any rule preventing communication with others. This also allows newer Parli teams to get extra support from their teammates and coaches. Further there will be no topic announce Zoom room, it is the responsibility of the students to receive their topics. Role will not be taken and topic announce will not be delayed for individual teams. Only in the case of a full tournament delay will the schedule not be followed, and a new schedule will be announced.

Evidence: Because the internet is allowed during prep time this means there will be cited evidence in cases, this is allowed and we will put no restrictions on use of evidence. It will be up to the judges on how they will evaluate evidence and weigh it in their decision.

Paper and Notes: There is no limit or restrictions on how the students prep their notes or how they take notes. This can be done on paper or their computers. The tournament does recommend not flowing on the same device the students are using for their Campus calls.

Timing Devices: The students may use their phones or computers to time themselves. The tournament asks that phones be kept on silent and that timer sounds be non disruptive.

POIs and POOs: Points of Information and Points of Order will follow the normal expectations. First and last minute are protected. Time stops for POOS. We encourage students to first try a non-verbal method of getting the attention of the speaker, be it a raised hand or a paper sign. If that does not get acknowledgment then the students may verbalize their POIs and POOs.

Prepping the Correct Side:  Every year there are issues with students prepping the wrong side of the topic. If a team preps the incorrect side the students will either have to debate or forfeit the round.

Debate Tie Breakers: Students in preliminary rounds will advance based on the following method or tiebreakers:

1. Total wins in preliminary rounds,

2. Opposition seed based on preliminary rounds,

3. Team speaker points from all preliminary rounds except the highest and lowest preliminary round,

4. Total team speaker points,

5. Head to head decision (if the teams previously met in preliminary rounds), and

6. Coinflip.

Please note that these tie breakers are being used for ALL debate events. 


Issues/Problems/Concerns: All reports should be immediately brought to the attention of the Parli Tab Staffer, Sarah Sherwood. She can best be found in the Parli Judge Zoom room during the tournament, link to be posted in the days before the tournament. Students should not come into the Zoom except for extreme emergencies, instead coaches should bring any and all concerns instead. Before the tournament she can be reached at kritik222@yahoo.com with comments, questions, or concerns.



Saturday (9/18)

7:00 AM         Registration

8:00 AM         Round 1 (Prep @ 8:00, Round start @ 8:20)

10:00 AM       Round 2  (Prep @ 10:00, Round start @ 10:20)

1:30 PM          Round 3 (Prep @ 1:30, Round start @ 1:50)

5:00 PM          Round 4 (Prep @ 5:00, Round start @ 5:20)

8:00 PM          Round 5 (Prep @ 8:00, Round start @ 8:20)

Sunday (9/19)

9:45 AM         Round 6 (Prep @ 9:45, Round start @ 10:05)

1:45 PM          First Debate (Prep @ 1:45, Round start @ 2:05)

3:00 PM          Second Debate (Prep @ 3:00, Round start @ 3:20)

4:45 PM          Third Debate (Prep @ 4:45, Round start @ 5:05)

6:15 PM          Fourth Debate (Prep @ 6:15, Round start @ 6:35)

7:45 PM          Fifth Debate Elim (if necessary) (Prep @ 7:45, Round start @ 8:05)