Panther Pride MS Tournament

2021 — NSDA Campus, UT/US

Extemporaneous Speaking Guidelines

Extemporaneous (Extemp) Speaking 

A contestant draws three current event or politically relevant questions, selects one, then has 30 minutes to prepare a speech in response, of up to seven minutes. The contestant utilizes files of published materials (books, magazines, newspapers, online sources) s/he has compiled as a resource for answering the question. 

Contestants may make notes during the preparation time, but the use of notes, cards, briefs or other aids is prohibited during the speech. Contestants may not leave the preparation area until dismissed by the extemp. proctor, Consultation with any person other than the extemp. monitor between the time of drawing and time of speaking is prohibited. ... 

Contestants will enter the room, one at a time, every 7 minutes, and will give their speech to you. Please take some notes on the ballot. The speaker should have good delivery, organization and state some sources from which they have researched, such as, "According to the Washington Post, October 16, 2011..." 

The judge will rank the speakers 1-5, with 1st being the best speaker and 5th being the least successful. If there are more than 5 speakers, please rank the rest of them 5. The judge will also give them a rating of S for Superior, E for Excellent, G for Good and F for Fair, Please be generous and remember that many of these students have never spoken in public before. All students can receive the rating of Superior, if they are all superior, same with excellent, good and fair.