King Round Robin

2021 — Online, TX/US

PF Specific Information

PF Rules & Information


·       We will use the April NSDA Topic

·       We will utilize the NSDA Pilot PF Rules

·       There will be two judges in each preliminary round. At the end of the round, each judge will disclose and give a reason-for-decision, as well as turning in an online ballot

·       If we have sufficient judges, we plan to offer two strikes per entry

·       Speaker points will be assigned on a 20-30 scale. You can use .1 increments (such as 26.3)

·       Each debater will be assigned a pod, based on mutual-rankings. This pod of 8 teams will each debate each other, guaranteeing 7 rounds of top-quality competition.

·       We will not break the bracket.

·       To determine who advances to the semi-finals rounds, debaters in each pod will be ranked in this way:

o   Total number of ballots

o   If tied, then head to head record (if more than two debaters are tied, the ballot counts against the other debaters will break the tie)

o   If the debaters split the ballot, then total number of sweeps

o   If still tied, high-low speaker points, followed by total speaks will break the ties

·       Coaches and participants of the tournament are welcome in rounds as long as the platform allows.