Southside Invitational
2021 — NSDA Campus, WA/US
Extemporaneous Speaking Topics
Southside Invitational Extemporaneous Speaking
You will submit your videos on this Google Form (click here). You will use one form for all three rounds. Please do not submit the form until you've uploaded your videos for all three rounds. Your form must be submitted by 6:00PM on 1/21. Your coaches do not need to submit your URLs. You will do so with this form.
Your recordings must begin with the introduction "My name is (First Name Last Name) from (School Name). I am presenting the following (Event Name) for the 2021 Southside Invitational." The introduction will not be counted toward your overall time.
Extemporaneous recordings should NOT include your prep time.
Round 1 Topics (click here)
Round 2 Topics (click here)
Round 3 Topics (click here)