ShenVaFL 3 Online Debate

2020 — Online, VA/US

Zoom Competition Procedures

Rationale:  Following the first Forensics Virtual Tournament one of the issues listed multiple times in survey results was people simply not knowing the procedure for how things were to be done.  With that in mind, the following goes over what exactly the Zoom Master and Tournament Director do during a tournament and why.


One thing that is important to note - many people mentioned having two Zoom Masters might help speed up the process and while that is absolutely true it is also not possible.  Zoom does not allow two individuals to control who goes into and out of Breakout Rooms.  One thing we CAN do, however, is encourage people to start signing into Zoom before the 4:30 registration.  Last time we waited until 4:30 to let everyone in.  Now we know better.  The sooner we can get individuals in and begin the renaming/placement process the better for everyone.  So please feel free to start arriving (both Forensics and Debate competitors, coaches, and judges) from 4:00 on.  There were also some just general learning curve matters such as learning to not leave the Zoom Session after a round and knowing how to go into and out of a Breakout Room.


For coaches - One issue that affected multiple schools was judges having the coach’s e-mail address entered instead of the judges to link their account.  Once fixed it won’t need to be fixed again, but if it has to be fixed it slows up the whole process - so please make sure your judges have their accounts linked and linked to their own e-mail address/Tabroom account.  No shaming intended as this was a teachable moment for all of us.


Debate procedures build off of the experience garnered from Forensics.  There will be some things that are different from the Zoom Guidelines for Debate (and Forensics) but that is acceptable so long as everyone has read and acknowledged this overview.  The variations are few and minor, but I do want to acknowledge that there may be some incongruities between the Zoom Guidelines shared at the beginning of the season and this document that goes over how Zoom Tournaments are to be run.  The Zoom Guidelines (for both) have been updated to reflect these changes.


Lastly, there will be adjustments made in Forensics which will be evident below when compared to how the first tournament was run.  If things still need to be adjusted after November’s tournament we will certainly do so.  This is an ever-evolving process as I have said on numerous occasions and I am thankful that everyone in this league is willing to be a part of the solution, but also for their patience as we achieve it.


-Steve O’Baugh

ShenVaFL President



Key Terms


Zoom Session - This is where the competition will take place.  Once the link has been clicked in Tabroom there is no need to leave Zoom until the tournament is over and you have been released by your coach or are done judging. will let you know what breakout room you are to be assigned to, but after you have clicked the link for Zoom once the only reason to do so again would be if you are disconnected due to technical issues.


Zoom Master - This is the individual whose sole job is to move people to and fro throughout the tournament.  They have access to schematics and will be assisted by the Tournament Director.


Tournament Director - This is the individual responsible for setting up the tournament and checking on ballot entry, posting results, and handling any and all issues that arise.


Breakout Room - This is your competition space (and may be referred to as such).  Once you are assigned to a Breakout Room you may be prompted to join.




You may join or need to select later depending on the instructions/circumstances.  Once in a Breakout Room you may leave by selecting


at the bottom right of the screen - be sure to select “Return to Main Session”.  


You may then return to the same Breakout Room by selecting the Breakout Room button 

 at the bottom of your screen.


Lobby - This is the general area (Main Session) that everyone starts out in when they first arrive in the Zoom Main Session.  


Waiting Room - This is a space where you are waiting to enter the main lobby of the Zoom Session.  The Waiting Room will be disabled at 4:00 for individuals to come in and re-enter as needed if there are connection issues.


Google Hangouts - We will use Google Hangouts as opposed to Google Chat as there were certain connective issues that we experienced as well as some ease-of-use that created some difficulty.  A link will be shared in the Judges’ Lounge breakout room for coaches and judges to join to communicate throughout the tournament.





  1. Before competitors/coaches/judges even arrive the Breakout Rooms should be created and waiting to be filled but not opened yet.  Also, the Zoom Master should always have their view setting set to Gallery and not Speaker.  This way they may see anyone and everyone that enters the lobby area.  The Breakout Room window will need to be open at all times and may be resized for maximum viewing ability.  It would be best to enable the waiting room while completing this task and then admitting everyone so that they may begin the renaming process and the Zoom Master may start assigning individuals as discussed above.


  1. As people enter the Zoom session and rename themselves in accordance with the Zoom Guidelines for Forensics (updated 10/24) the Zoom Master should start assigning individuals to their first-round placement. (Judges to the Judge Lounge along with coaches, and competitors to their first-round room.)  


  1. Once coaches have completed their onsite registration through by seeing their team arrive and private chatting with competitors as needed Breakout Rooms will then be opened but competitors should NOT enter yet (select “Later” when prompted).  Judges and coaches will go into the Judge Lounge for their initial overview and Q & A.  During this time the Tournament Director should address the competitors as to the plans/overview/reminders/etc. before joining the Judge Lounge.  After the Tournament Director leaves for the judge’s meeting the competitors should report to their assigned Breakout Room.  Any issues or corrections needing to be made may be done with the Zoom Master who will stay in the main lobby during this time.  If a competitor would like to double-check their Breakout Room assignment it should match with what is listed on for Round 1.


  1. After the judges/coaches meeting has concluded judges and coaches should leave the Breakout Room (Judge Lounge) for the main lobby.  There the Zoom Master will begin placing judges into their first-round rooms.  Any judges or coaches not assigned a round should return to the Judge Lounge to help keep the Lobby Space clear.


  1. Once judges are in their Breakout Rooms/competition space they should make sure they have everyone in the Breakout Room with them that is on their ballot.  Any issues should be addressed through the Google Chat that has been created and shared with them by the Tournament Director.


  1. When an event or event’s section has completed the judge(s) should leave their Breakout Room, but the competitors should STAY.  If there is only one section then the competitors will simply wait until their next judge(s) show for their second and final round.



  1. When judges that are done with the round return to the lobby they will need to ask to go to the Judge Lounge to complete their online ballot and await assignment for the second and final round.


  1. If there are multiple sections to an event competitors may (and most likely will) need to be rearranged.  This should ONLY be done after ALL of the judges for the event (in all sections) have left the competition space and been placed in the Judge Lounge.  Then the Zoom Master may rearrange section contestants before the second round begins.  If a competitor receives a notification as to being moved into a different Breakout Room they should join right away.


  1. Once all of the judges are out of their first-round assignments and placed back into the Judge Lounge the Zoom Master may begin assigning judges to their second-round location.  Competitors should already be there.


  1. When judges are done with their second-round they should follow the same procedure from step 6.


  1.  After all of the judges are done and all of the ballots are complete the Tournament Director will release results online and e-mail coaches through Tabroom indicating that results have been released.  Judges are free to leave as soon as they are done with their ballot.





  1. Before competitors/coaches/judges even arrive the Breakout Rooms should be created and waiting to be filled but not opened yet.  Also, the Zoom Master should always have their view setting set to Gallery and not Speaker.  This way they may see anyone and everyone that enters the lobby area.  The Breakout Room window will need to be open at all times and may be resized for maximum viewing ability.  It would be best to enable the waiting room while completing this task and then admitting everyone so that they may begin the renaming process and the Zoom Master may start assigning individuals as discussed above.


  1. As people enter the Zoom session and rename themselves in accordance with the Zoom Guidelines for Debate (updated 10/24) the Zoom Master should start assigning individuals to their first-round placement. (Judges to the Judge Lounge along with coaches, and competitors to their first-round room.) Breakout Rooms should NOT be opened up yet, however. 


  1. Once coaches have completed their onsite registration through by seeing their team arrive and private chatting with competitors as needed Breakout Rooms will then be opened but competitors should NOT enter yet (select “Later” when prompted).  Judges and coaches will go into the Judge Lounge for their initial overview and Q & A.  During this time the Tournament Director should address the competitors as to the plans/overview/reminders/etc. before joining the Judge Lounge.  After the Tournament Director leaves for the judge’s meeting the competitors should report to their assigned Breakout Room.  Any issues or corrections needing to be made may be done with the Zoom Master who will stay in the main lobby during this time.  If a competitor would like to double-check their Breakout Room assignment it should match with what is listed on for Round 1.


  1. After the judges/coaches meeting has concluded judges and coaches should leave the Breakout Room (Judge Lounge) for the main lobby.  There the Zoom Master will begin placing judges into their first-round rooms.  Any judges or coaches not assigned a round should return to the Judge Lounge to help keep the Lobby Space clear.


  1. Once judges are in their Breakout Rooms/competition space they should make sure they have everyone in the Breakout Room with them that is on their ballot.  Any issues should be addressed through the Google Chat that has been created and shared with them by the Tournament Director.


  1. When a round has completed the judge(s) should leave their Breakout Room, but the competitors should STAY.  Student Congress debaters will stay in their chambers since there is no reorganization of rooms.



  1. When judges that are done with the round return to the Lobby they will need to ask to go to the Judge Lounge to complete their online ballot and await assignment for the second and final round.


  1. If there are multiple sections to an event competitors will need to be rearranged.  This should ONLY be done after ALL of the judges for the event (in all sections) have left the competition space and been placed in the Judge Lounge.  Then the Zoom Master may rearrange section contestants before the second round begins.  If a competitor receives a notification as to being moved into a different Breakout Room they should join right away.


  1. Once all of the judges are out of their first-round assignments and placed back into the Judge Lounge the Zoom Master may begin assigning judges to their second-round location.  Competitors should already be there.


  1. When judges are done with their second-round they should follow the same procedure from step 6.


  1.  After all of the judges are done and all of the ballots are complete the Tournament Director will release results online and e-mail coaches through Tabroom indicating that results have been released.  Judges are free to leave as soon as they are done with their ballot.