Clear Falls TFA vIQT and TOC Speech Qualifying Tournament

2020 — Online, TX/US

Debate Topics and Extemp Question Areas

For the 2020 Knight Invitational, we will be using the following topics for the following events:

Public Forum Debate (Varsity and Novice): November/December 2020 Topic - Resolved: The United States should adopt a declaratory nuclear policy of no first use.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Varsity and Novice): November/December 2020 Topic - Resolved: The United States ought to provide a federal jobs guarantee.

Policy Debate: 2020-2021 Topic - Resolved: The United States federal government should enact substantial criminal justice reform in the United States in one or more of the following: forensic science, policing, sentencing.

Congressional Debate (Varsity and Novice): From the Fall 2020 TFA Docket - Prelims: Items #11-20, Finals: Items 21-30.

Extemp Speaking:

DX Prelims - U.S. Public Health, DX Semis/Rd. 2 - U.S. Economy, DX Finals - The Election and Transition of Power.

IX Prelims - Europe, IX Semis/Rd. 2 - Asia, IX Finals - The Middle East.