The Longhorn Classic Online

2020 — Austin, TX/US

Event Descriptions for Speech Categories

Please note: ALL EVENTS FOR THE LONGHORN CLASSIC WILL BE CONDUCTED SYNCHRONOUSLY. There will be no pre-recorded video uploads for this contest.

Students entering the competition must have access to a stable internet connection during the times of competition rounds.

If you have not already done so, please take time to review the TFA Guide for Competitors in the virtual environment. The link to that document is:

ADDITIONAL NOTES RELEVANT TO THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT: We will be using NSDA Campus as the digital space for performance in all rounds. This platform works best on the Chrome browser, and may not work at all on certain other browsers. There will be a dedicated digital space for Extemp Draw, and that information will be provided prior to the start date. It is recommended that students performing in DUO utilize separate video cameras and spaces for their performances, but knowing that these rounds are live and fully synchronous, we understand that some student pairings may not have access to multiple sets of computer/video equipment. Please follow your local safety guidelines!


Brief Event Descriptions from the TFA event descriptions and rules (please see the TFA website at and the TFA Bylaws for complete event rules and descriptions and for any updates). The full TFA rules take precedence (where applicable) over these brief descriptions:

DUO INTERPRETATION: Time limit: 10 minutes. Selections used in Duo shall be cuttings from a single source from a published printed novel, short story, play, poem or screenplay. Coaches and/or students must have the original source, including ISBN if one exists to the tournament director upon request. A photocopy is acceptable. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification. The selections may be serious or humorous works. Time for presentation shall not exceed ten minutes with a thirty second grace period. There is no minimum time required.   Violation shall result in being ranked last in the round by the tab room when visible time signals have been given by the judge or by the authorized timekeeper. Without adding text to the previously performed selection and only considering audience response, the contestant shall not be penalized for exceeding the time limit in all qualifying and state tournament final rounds. Each selection shall include an introduction which shall set the scene and mood and include the title and author of the work. Time for the introduction shall be included in the time limit. Violation shall result in an adverse effect on the team’s ranking in the round. The selection shall be memorized and presented without the use of physical objects (props, hand props, or scenery) or costume. Violation shall result in an adverse effect on the team’s ranking in the round. In Duo Interpretation focus may be direct during the introduction and the performers may look at each other, but must be indirect (off-stage) during the performance itself. Each of the two performers may play one or more characters, as long as performance responsibility in the cutting remains as balanced as possible. If the selection is prose or poetry and contains narration, either or both of the performers may present the narration. No portion of a work used by either student prior to the current school year in another TFA event shall be used in TFA competition. The only exception will be a student may use the same Duet Acting selection during the same school year in both Duo and Duet. The same selection shall be used for the duration of the tournament. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification. A student may compete with only one partner and one selection at a given tournament. Cuttings should maintain the author’s intent, no additional words may be added. 

HUMOROUS and DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION: Selections shall be cuttings from a single source from published printed novels, short stories, plays, poems, or screenplays. Presentation shall be from memory and without the use of physical objects or costumes. Students should avoid movement in the presentation that would distract from the literature itself. Maximum time shall be ten minutes with thirty second grace period.

EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING: There are two divisions: United States and Foreign. Topics are phrased in the form of a question. Students are given thirty minutes to prepare the speech. Contestants may refer to files containing books, book excerpts, periodicals, online retrievals from mass media publications, and/or photocopies of any of the above. A note card may be used in preliminary rounds but is not permitted in any elimination rounds. Time limit is seven minutes maximum with thirty second grace period. Violation shall result in being ranked last in the round by the tab room when visible time signals have been given by the judge or by the authorized timekeepers.

ORIGINAL ORATORY: The contestant may not use an oration which he/she used in any TFA contest prior to the current school year. Any appropriate subject may be used, but the orator must be truthful. Any nonfactual reference, especially a personal one, must be so identified. Violation shall result in ranking down in the round in which the violation occurred. Not more than 150 words of the oration may be direct quotation from any other speech or writing, and such quotations shall be identified in the written copy of the speech. Extensive paraphrasing of any source is prohibited. Time limit shall be ten minutes maximum with a thirty second grace.    

ORAL INTERPRETATION (PROSE/POETRY): Students present selections in TWO FULLY DEVELOPED categories -- prose and poetry, alternating from round to round. Each selection must be a maximum of ten minutes in length. The student must hold a manuscript and appear to be reading. Maximum time shall be ten minutes with a thirty-second grace period. Overtime violators SHALL NOT be ranked first in the round by the judge. Any other penalty is at the discretion of the judge. Judges may consider audience reaction and its impact on official time before enforcing any overtime penalty. 

INFORMATIVE SPEAKING: An informative speech is an original speech designed to explain, define, describe, or illustrate a particular subject. The general purpose of the speech is for the audience to gain understanding and/or knowledge of a topic. Any other purpose such as to entertain or to convince shall be secondary. The use of audio/visual aids is optional. Maximum time shall be ten minutes with a thirty-second grace period. Overtime violators SHALL NOT be ranked first in the round by the judge. Any other penalty is at the discretion of the judge. Judges may consider audience reaction and its impact on official time before enforcing any overtime penalty. 

PROGRAM ORAL INTERP: POI is a program of oral interpretation of thematically-linked selections chosen from at least two genres: prose, poetry, drama (plays). At least two pieces of literature that represent at least two separate genres must be used. Unlike the other interpretation events, Program Oral Interpretation may use multiple sources for the program. Maximum time shall be ten minutes with a thirty-second grace period. Overtime violators SHALL NOT be ranked first in the round by the judge. Any other penalty is at the discretion of the judge. Judges may consider audience reaction and its impact on official time before enforcing any overtime penalty.