DEBATE KC Center High School
2025 — Kansas City, MO/US
Main Entrance: They are going to have us enter through the Academic Wing entrance. (This is the side of the parking lot closest to Holmes Rd.) -- I will have students posted at these doors as people arrive.
Time to arrive: 3:30 PM Allowed into building: 3:30 PM *will confirm this time
Gathering space for students: cafeteria
Accessibility Entrances: both front entrance sare accessible and am working on getting the elevator sorted out
Wifi Network: Center Guest (no password needed)
Bathrooms: located in the center of each floor
Check-in: lobby OR academic wing hallway (1st floor) Tabroom: library (2nd floor) Hospitality: library (2nd floor)
Awards: cafeteria OR auditorium (checking on this as well)