Big Cat Swing 2024
2024 — Houston, TX/US
Dear Coaches & Students,
The Speech & Debate Teams of Cypress Creek High School and Cy-Fair High School gladly invite you to join us for the BIG CAT SWING Texas Forensic Association State Qualifying Tournament to be held on the weekend of November 22-23, 2024 on the campus of Cypress Creek High School.
The tournament will be held at Cypress Creek High School located at 9815 Grant Rd, Houston, TX 77070. We have once again secured a tremendous team of area coaches who will run tab, judges, and extemp draw to ensure that we provide the best of the best for your teams.
All students and judges must have a Tab Room account linked to a cell phone number and/or an email address. We will be using the electronic balloting and posting system on Tab Room, so students and judges must be linked in order to receive texts and emails about their round assignments in all events.
Because this is a swing tournament, all coaches should be expected to judge a MINIMUM of 4-6 rounds. ALL SCHOOLS MUST HAVE A JUDGE AVAILABLE FOR EVERY EVENT IN WHICH THE SCHOOL IS COMPETING!
We will offer all TFA events (and Worlds Schools Debate) as well as Impromptu, Prose, and Poetry. We will follow all TFA rules for events. These rules can be accessed on the TFA web page. All students who advance to finals in IE’s will receive an award and all debaters advancing to elimination rounds will receive awards as well. Please see the event sections and guideline pages for an explanation of event offerings. We reserve the right to collapse novice divisions into varsity to better serve the community in our attempt to maximize TFA qualifying points.
We offer one of the only swing debate tournaments in the region, with the Cy-Creek Debate Tournament starting on Friday night and finishing up on Saturday around noon. This is tournament will have four preliminary rounds and break all 3-1's in LD & PF. The Cy-Fair Debate Tournaments will begin at 12:00 PM on Saturday, offer four preliminary rounds, and also break all 3-1's to single-flighted eliminations. We will only offer ONE tournament in World School Debate and ONE tournament in Policy Debate, both starting on Friday evening and finishing on Saturday.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS attending HIGH SCHOOLS that issue diplomas for graduation may enter any event at this tournament. No middle schools or after-school/weekend enrichment "schools" may enter. Tournament staff will check any and all school entries. If after researching your school's information it is discovered that your school is NOT a high school that issues diplomas for graduation, then your school will be dropped from the tournament.
Cy-Creek Speech and Debate reserves the right to have students compete and advance.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
Perry Beard (Cy-Fair HS) or Andrew Barrett (Cypress Creek HS)
We look forward to seeing you!
The Cy-Creek and Cy-Fair Speech & Debate Teams