WBFL League Debate 2

2021 — NSDA Campus, CA/US

We will use these links:
Parli Prep  UPDATED https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85604990545?pwd=RHYyY1B6a1l6SUQ3YkdObndOd0dUQT09 
Judges https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85232665069?pwd=eEJFb1dDb056MUVhaTV2RGtnejY2dz09
Coaches and TAB https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81094051391?pwd=a1hwb2gwK2hCb3JXeHBNWkxXRjRwdz09

The links in TABROOM will link to the same rooms.



8:00 am  Registration Opens

8:30 am  Judges must check-in by this time and Judge Instructions

8:30 am  Parli Prep starts for Round 1 (it is always 30 min before the round)

9:00 am  PARLI and LD Round 1

10:00 am PF Round 1

11:00 am PARLI and LD Round 2

12:00pm  PF Round 2

1:00pm PARLI and LD Round 3

2:00pm PF Round 3

3:00pm PARLI AND LD Round 4

4:00pm PF Round 4

5:15pm AWARDS (we should be done by 5:30pm)