2020 — NSDA Campus, CA/US


Competitors and judges MUST be using Google Chrome (if they're on a computer) or the Jitsi Meet app (if they're on a phone or tablet) to access the rooms. Both Google Chrome and Jitsi Meet are free to download.

This presentation demonstrates to students what they will need to do in order to access the live competition rooms and squad rooms.

Anyone having tech issues should email yflhelpline@gmail.com for assistance.



Judge Lounge:  https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/86721721913

Prep Room: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/83436965371

Student Lounge/Awards: https://tracylc-net.zoom.us/j/8204333854?pwd=bDUvVytKdlI4ODdzV2tWZkc5eU5sZz09 (password: 04282004)



1) Each competitor, observer, and judge MUST HAVE A LINKED TABROOM ACCOUNT. For instructions on creating and linking Tabroom accounts, click here.

2) Novice competitors are allowed to double enter in speech. They may enter 1 Asynchronous event and 1 Spontaneous event.

3) Varsity competitors are allowed to double enter in speech. The only combination of speech that is not allowed is entering in both exemps.

4) Each school will owe 1 judge per 5 speech entries in the speech pattern and 1 judge per 2 entries in the debate pattern. Judges can (and should, if possible!) be entered in both the speech pattern and the debate pattern. This means that 1 judge can potentially cover 5 speech entries and 2 debate entries.

5) Pre-recorded speech will need to be uploaded as an unlisted video on Youtube and submitted by Thursday 11/19 at the VERY latest. Please ensure that the student states the tournament the speech was recorded for at the beginning of the video (YFL 3) and includes the tournament name in the title. There should be NO cuts or editing for speech videos. Videos should be submitted to this link: https://forms.gle/YHzpdNWjnbv3uYZn9