UIL Region 4 Congress

2020 — Online, TX/US

Welcome to the Region 4 UIL Regional Congress Tournament.  This contest will be heled Tuesday, November 10 during the school day.  Prelims from 8am-11:30am and finals from 12:30-3:30.  Each UIL Conference participating in the Regional Congress will be guaranteed 3 entries into the UIL State Tournament in January.  Conferences with 40 or more entries will earn 1 State Qualifier per 10 entries in the Regional Tournament.  All students will receive their chamber assignments through Tabroom.com .  The competition will be held on the Hopin platform (similar video platform to zoom, classrooms.cloud, or NSDA Campus).  The link to our Hopin platform will be emailed to coaches a week before the Regional Congress.

All entries will be waitlisted at the the time you sign up on tabroom.com .  Coaches will be asked to rank their waitlisted entries 1, 2 and 3 will be used for your entries in the Regional Congress.  Ranks of 4 and 5 will designate your alternate entries.  I will move entries into the tournament after they are received on tabroom.com .

Coaches are required to send their Tabroom.com email address to BellaireDebate@sbcglobal.net .  We will be hiring some judges and using coaches as well.  It is my intent to have panels in prelims and finals rounds.

Please send all questions to BellaireDebate@sbcglobal.net