DUDA HS Scrimmage

2020 — NSDA Campus, TX/US

DUDA HS Scrimmage

RESOURCES CAN BE ACCESSED HERE: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YuWgWvmAnxfipdLMpZ_zwTqrQdgKEhjW?usp=sharing



What to expect:

This is a new event type, aiming to help students have their first experiences with debate in a less stressful environment. We're trying some new features with this in mind:   

1) Guided preparation – teams will have a touch over an hour to prepare for their first debates on the topic, using resources provided by DUDA. 

2) Debates in the afternoon

Novice/JV teams will participate in 2 “low-pressure” rounds focused on testing new arguments in a  feedback-driven environment. 

Varsity teams will participate in 2 typical win/loss debate rounds. 



930am               Begin checking in with your teams

10am                 Updated registration & “Virtual Bus” due 

1005am             Opening comments in auditorium

1015am             Breakout rooms for preparation - DUDA will provide “pre-debate checklist,” speech templates, and (pending volunteer availability) mentors to new campuses  

1130am             Pairings announced; break for food/rest 

12pm                 Round 1

2pm                   Round 2

4pm                   Closing comments & survey in auditorium