Los Alamos Hawktalkers and Hilltalkers Debate Scrimmage

2019 — Los Alamos, NM/US

Dear Speech and Debate Coach,

You and your team are invited to the 57th  annual Hilltalkers/Hawktalkers Peak Debate Scrimmage to be held at Los Alamos High School on Saturday, September 28, 2019. As part of our annual tournament, we are holding a special Angel Tournament for novice debaters. 


This competition will be governed by the New Mexico Speech and Debate Association Pilot Tournament manual voted on at the August Coaches meeting. Copies of the manual may be found in the Coach folder shared with all NMSDA coaches. 


We are offering the following events: Policy Debate (varsity and novice), Lincoln-Douglas Debate (varsity, and novice), Public Forum (novice and varsity), and Big Questions Debate (Varsity and Novice will compete together, one on one debate only).

Angel Tournament for Novice Debaters

This year, all novices will be part of a special “Angel Tournament." Each novice debate room will be assigned an “Angel Guide” who is an experienced varsity debater. The Angel Guide will be available to guide the novice teams and answer questions. The Angel Guide in the room will not adjudicate the round. They will answer procedural questions and help to keep track of speaking times and order. The Angel Guides will be readily identifiable with name tags and angel pins. They are a resource for your novice debaters and they are available to help our New Mexico novices “earn their wings."


This tournament is a scrimmage. All varsity and novice rounds will be pre-set before we begin the tournament. At the end of the tournament, awards will be given to the top three in each event. Los Alamos High School and Los Alamos Middle School novices will compete but they will not win awards. 


Entries will be limited to: Students entered in Public Forum or Lincoln Douglas debate may double enter in Big Questions debate. Policy debate teams may NOT double enter in Big Questions due to time constraints.


Registration closes on Wednesday, September 25 at 3:00 pm.  Drop fees of $25.00 will be assessed starting on Thursday, September 26 at 9:00 am. 



Entry fees will be $8.00 per person per event. That means one Lincoln Douglas debater will pay $8.00 but a Policy or Public Forum team of two will pay $16.00. A debater who enters Big Questions and another debate event will pay $16.00.


Please see the invitation on this website for more information.

We look forward to seeing you!


Margo Batha 



Coach, Los Alamos High School Hilltalkers


Sherri Bublitz




Coach, Los Alamos Middle School Hawktalkers