Lexington Winter Invitational

2025 — Lexington, MA/US
Field in Novice PF
61 entries
Institution Location Entry Code Record
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Eadala & Senani Acton-Boxborough ES
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Vatsa & Gil Acton-Boxborough GV
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Kozlov & Ji Acton-Boxborough KJ
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Nallajennugari & Mulamalla Acton-Boxborough NM
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Raymond & Handel Acton-Boxborough RH
Acton-Boxborough MA/US Jadhav & Vatsal Acton-Boxborough VJ
Arlington MA/US Potere & Atherton Arlington PA
Arlington MA/US Richmond & Joo-Soto Arlington RJ
Arlington MA/US Turicchia & Burke Arlington TB
Arlington MA/US Ryu & Zhou Arlington ZR
Avenues: The World NY/US Geyman & Chun Jayesuria Avenues: The World GC
Boston Latin MA/US Wang & Nguyen Boston Latin NW
Bronx Science NY/US Ali & Chen Bronx Science AC
Bronx Science NY/US Cheng & Wang Bronx Science CW
Bronx Science NY/US Diallo & Faiha Bronx Science DF
Bronx Science NY/US Dominici & Hia Bronx Science DH
Bronx Science NY/US Dugar & Patel Bronx Science DP
Bronx Science NY/US Elfatih & Rodriguez-Morgan Bronx Science ER
Bronx Science NY/US Kanon & Shova Bronx Science KS
Bronx Science NY/US Lowell & Treinkman Bronx Science LT
Bronx Science NY/US Pasman & Leem Bronx Science PL
Cambridge Rindge and Latin MA/US MacDougall & Ristivojevic Cambridge Rindge and Latin MR
Cambridge Rindge and Latin MA/US Mazumdar & Varanasi Cambridge Rindge and Latin VM
Horace Mann NY/US Chang & Yao Horace Mann CY
Horace Mann NY/US Ergin & Sun Horace Mann ES
Horace Mann NY/US Mo & Thomas Horace Mann MT
Horace Mann NY/US Park & Mandelli-Valla Horace Mann PM
Horace Mann NY/US Subramanian & Pande Horace Mann PS
Horace Mann NY/US Scheinfeld & Porres Horace Mann SP
Lakeland NY/US Guekjian & Montanez Lakeland GM
Lakeland NY/US Kabia & Murugarajapandian Lakeland KM
Lakeland NY/US Kowalcazck & Piken Lakeland KP
Lakeland NY/US Peprah & McLoughlin Lakeland PM
Middlesex MA/US Diem & Besiimire Middlesex DB
Middlesex MA/US Dong & Yang Middlesex DY
Middlesex MA/US Fu & Chan Middlesex FC
Newton South MA/US Adler & Cheung Newton South AC
Newton South MA/US Da & Wu Newton South DW
Newton South MA/US Kapoor & Hollander Newton South KH
Newton South MA/US Thomas & Kapasi Newton South KT
Newton South MA/US Lu & Song Newton South LS
Newton South MA/US Mohan & Wang Newton South MW
Newton South MA/US Xiong & Oliveira Newton South XO
Newton South MA/US Zhang & Jeong Newton South ZJ
Nightingale Bamford NY/US Finkelstein & Ju Nightingale Bamford FJ
Nightingale Bamford NY/US Haas & Hooshmand Nightingale Bamford HH
Nightingale Bamford NY/US Xie & Jazwiecki Nightingale Bamford XJ
Ridge NJ/US Arora & Li Ridge AL
Ridge NJ/US Ginsberg & Ostapczuk Ridge GO
Ridge NJ/US Janani & Olesnyckyj Ridge JO
Ridge NJ/US Lin & Li Ridge LL
Scarsdale NY/US Liu & Dragovic Scarsdale LD
Scarsdale NY/US Ng & Auerbach Scarsdale NA
Sharon MA/US Hussain & Yarlagadda Sharon HY
St John's MA/US Chopra & Somerset St. John's CS
St John's MA/US Kassis & Berger St. John's KB
St John's MA/US Shaik & Kulkarni St. John's SK
University NJ/US Brickhouse-Pettiway & Singleton University BS
University NJ/US Funes & Fleming University FF
University NJ/US McCoy & Ramdeen University MR
Westborough MA/US Mondal & Saxena Westborough MS