Well, that's just unfortunate
Looks like you just tripped over a bug in tabroom.com.
Please, do not send this bug report to us.. The bug has automatically been logged and emailed to the developer! Emailing it in again doesn't help, and just adds to my already daunting email intake.
If you have further questions though, please do contact us at help@tabroom.com.
Otherwise, your browser's back button will bring you back to start again.
Error text:
Generated at 2024-10-12T18:44:22 EST/EDT on 001a96bff5a4 Docker host is tabweb1 Requestor IP is Proxied IP is Page is /index/tourn/fields.mhtml?tourn_id=28487&event_id=259390 Error Text: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-452-2b76ff-d00.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") [for Statement " select entry.id, entry.name, entry.code, entry.waitlist, school.name school, chapter.state, chapter.country, GROUP_CONCAT(es.student) students, online_hybrid.value online_hybrid from entry left join school on school.id = entry.school left join chapter on school.chapter = chapter.id left join entry_student es on es.entry = entry.id left join entry_setting online_hybrid on online_hybrid.entry = entry.id and online_hybrid.tag = 'online_hybrid' where entry.event = ? and entry.active = 1 group by entry.id order by entry.code, school.name " with ParamValues: 0=259390] at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm line 52. Stack: [/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm:52] [/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm:32] [/www/tabroom/web/index/tourn/fields.mhtml:124] [/usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm:848] [/www/tabroom/web/index/tourn/fields.mhtml:21] [/www/tabroom/web/index/tourn/autohandler:54] [/www/tabroom/web/index/autohandler:11] [/www/tabroom/web/autohandler:690]