Iowa Forensic League State Tournament

2020 — Iowa City, IA/US

Internet Use Guidelines and Computer Issues

IFL uses the NSDA's Pilot Internet Rules. These rules can be found on page 26 of the NSDA HS Unified Manual(for debate), page 35 (for congress), and page 50-51(for extemp) . For ease of access, all events reflect the guidelines below.


A. Contestants may use electronic devices (including laptop computers, tablets, and/or cell phones) to access the internet during debate rounds with the following conditions:

1. Computers or other electronic devices may not be used to receive information for competitive advantage from non-competitors (coaches, assistant coaches, other students) inside or outside of the room in which the competition occurs. Information that would be restricted would include but not be limited to coach/nonparticipating competitor generated arguments, advice on arguments to run, questions to ask during cross examination, and other information not generated by the participating competitors.

2. Internet access may be used to retrieve files, exchange evidence and/or arguments, research arguments, and partner to partner communication. These electronic device guidelines do not limit communication between debate partners during the debate round.



• DO NOT leave your computer or other valuables unattended. 

• Students and coaches are responsible for network connectivity issues. The U of I has a robust public WIFI network. If your computer typically has trouble connecting to networks, set aside time to make sure it connects. Rounds will not be delayed or paused due to connectivity issues.

• Charge your devices. We cannot guarantee sufficient outlets in every room for every student to have their machines plugged in. This is  particularly true in congress chambers and the extemp prep room. Competitors should arrive fully charged and share outlets as necessary.