The Princeton Classic

2019 — Princeton, NJ/US

Debate schedule (12/3/19)

LD & PF schedule


Friday LD on PU campus, PF at Princeton HS

4:00     Princeton HS Opens

4:30     Coordinated Walk to Princeton HS for PF

5:00     VLD, NLD, PF Round 1

8:00     VLD, NLD, PF Round 2


Saturday LD and PF on PU campus

8:00     VLD Round 3, PF Round 3 

10:00   NLD Round 3

11:00   PF Round 4

12:00   VLD Round 4

2:00     NLD Round 4, PF Round 5

4:00     VLD Round 5

5:00     PF Round 6

6:00     NLD Round 5   

8:00     VLD Round 6, PF Round 7


Sunday on PU campus

8:00     PF Runoffs, VLD Runoffs, NLD Round 6 

10:00 (tent)   All Debate Doubles (VLD may be released slightly later, depending on the size of the run-off. NLD will be posted as soon as Round 6 ends.)

All rounds continue apace after that, with half-hour breaks.