WWU Viking Invitational

2019 — Bellingham, WA/US

Topics--please remember these do not indicate prep start

Topics will be posted here. However, these pages are cached and only regenerate eery 10 minutes. This means posting may not appear right away. These cannot be used to determine when to start prep time. 


 Round 1


The United States federal government should substantially increase its marginal tax rate.


pic start at 10:29


Round 2

The United States federal government should substantially reduce its military presence in the Republic of Korea.


PMC starts (STARTS!) at 1:15 or you are late. 


Round 3

The United States federal government should adopt a carbon tax.


pmc starts at 3:15


Round 4


The African Union should directly intervene in response to political violence in Zimbabwe.

pic at 5:13


Round 5


Residents of the United States should put on their yellow vests.




Germany should substantially reduce its dependence on natural gas. 




The United States Supreme Court should reverse its decision in District of Columbia v. Heller.