Middle School TOC hosted by UK

2017 — KY/US

Important Information for Getting to Campus:


Here are the building names we are using and their addresses. Entering these into Google Maps will get you on the campus:


1. White Hall Classroom Building and Patterson Office Tower.

Address - 140 Patterson Drive. These two buildings are where everything is minus some speech events (noted below).


2. Funkhouser Building.

Address - 160 Funkhouser Drive. Drama (one section), Duo, Humor are the events that will be in Funkhouser.


Opening judge meetings prior to round 1 will be in the following rooms:

Congress – Classroom Building 122. 

Public Forum –  Classroom Building 106.

Policy + LD – Judge meetings are not required for these events. 


Speech clinics locations for the 8:30 am time slot:

Extemp clinic – CB 102

Oratory Clinic – CB 345   

Interp Clinic – CB 349