Florida Blue Key Speech and Debate Tournament

2020 — Online, FL/US

Awards Ceremony 

Starting at 7:15 P.M EST 

Live steam link: Here 

Tournament Office

Coaches and competitors, the link above is our tournament office. This room is offered through classrooms.cloud, so please remember to access this room you will need to log-in using your tabroom login-in credentials. 

Congress Judge Lounge

LD Judge Lounge

PF Judge Lounge

IE Judge Lounge

The links above are the judge lounges for each event. This room is offered through classrooms.cloud, so please remember to access this room you will need to log-in using your Tabroom login-in credentials. This is also the place to go for mandatory judge calls as well as any specific questions event-related. 


Tournament Wide Policies & Rules

The Florida Blue Key Speech and Debate tournament has adopted the following tournament-wide policies and rules for the 2020 Florida Blue Key


Congress Finalists 


Speech Break Announcements: 

Finals Announcements - EXT   DI   HI   POI   OO   INF


Live Google Documents: 


FBK Congress

FBK Lincoln-Douglas

FBK Public Forum

FBK Speech


Equity Concerns & Protests

The Florida Blue Key Speech and Debate tournament is committed to providing a safe and fun learning environment for all students, judges, and coaches participating in the tournament. To ensure this, all forms of harassment, discrimination, and possible violations of the NSDA rules are prohibited, whether committed by students, coaches, judges, or volunteers.

Individuals who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to the full range of sanctions, up to and including removal from the tournament.

Any individual or group of individuals who believe they have been a victim of harassment and/or discrimination or wish to submit a challenge/protest should report it on this form so that our team can get back to you immediately.

2020 FBK Equity & Protest Form


Need Assistance?

Round Robin: roundrobin@fbkdebate.org

Congress: congress@fbkdebate.org

Lincoln-Douglas: lincolndouglas@fbkdebate.org

Public Forum: publicforum@fbkdebate.org

Speech: fbkspeechtab@gmail.com


FL Blue Key Merchandise