Three Trails District Tournament

2018 — KS/US

Three Trails District Qualifier

for the 2019 National Tournament
Policy Debate
Blue Valley North
Overland Park, KS
Fri 12/7 Sat 12/8 CX
Blue Valley High School
Overland Park, KS
Sat 3/30 Sat 3/30 HOU SEN
Duo, Info10, LD, PFD
Blue Valley West
Overland Park, KS
Fri 4/12 Fri 4/12 DUO INF LD PF
Olathe North
Olathe, KS
Sat 4/13 Sat 4/13 DI HI IX OO POI USX


November 7, 2018


The Three Trails NSDA National Qualifier in Policy Debate will be on Dec. 7 & 8, 2018.  Our tournament will be hosted by Blue Valley North High School.  A big thank you to Mr. Box and his squad for hosting this qualifier.  The registration site is open on  Just look for the tournament named “Three Trails District Tournament”.

As voted on by the member coaches, the tournament will follow the Pilot rules for National Qualification as established by the NSDA Board of Directors.  We will also be allowing the use of the internet during rounds by students as outlined in the Pilot Internet Usage rules, again provided by the NSDA Board of Directors.  For more information on either or both pilot programs, please click on the links down below:

Pilot Internet Rules:

Pilot District Tournament Operations Manual:

The tournament schedule is:

Fri, December 7                                                     Sat, December 8                                                       


Registration 3 p.m.                                                                                                          Round 4—9:00 a.m.

Round 1 & 2 Pairings released when all teams are verified on site.             Round 5—11:00 a.m.

General Meeting for teams and judges 3:30 (Site TBA)                                     Quarterfinals—1:30 p.m.

Round 1 4:15 p.m.                                                                                                           Semifinals—3:30 (Likely go to Nats rounds

Round 2 6:00 p.m.                                                                                                           Run-off round to determine 3rd & 4th place—5:15

Round 3 8:00 p.m.

The Run off round is necessary to determine 3rd place in case we get a 3rd team to Nationals.

Your judging requirement is 1 judge per team plus 2 additional judges plus the head coach FOR ALL PRELIM ROUNDS (This is a change from past policy due to no longer eliminating teams as we go.  All teams are expected to debate all 5 prelim rounds.)  ALL JUDGES FROM A SCHOOL ARE OBLIGATED FOR ONE ROUND PAST THE ELIMINATION OF THEIR FINAL TEAM ENTERED IN THE TOURNAMENT.  (i.e., you have no teams make quarters, your judges are still on to judge the quarterfinal round.  This tournament does not work if your judges do not stay.)

Please do not plan on yourself being one of your required judges.  Coaches are needed to help run the qualifier and if you are judging, it can tend to bog down the tournament.

Please let me know if you have questions.
