Congress Sandbox for FGCCFL

2018 — St. Petersburg-Tampa, FL/US

Why Another Sandbox?

There are two important things to know about registration for FGCCFL tournaments:

1. Starting in October, legislation will be uploaded on Tabroom rather than emailed to Josh. (If you want Josh to look over your legislation before it is submitted, you can email it to him as before, but the final submission still must be via Tabroom.)

2. Starting in October, lunches will be ordered on Tabroom rather than by email. This will give you the flexibility to update your orders and lunch numbers up to the 9:00 p.m. Monday deadline.

This sandbox is designed to let coaches practice uploading legislation and ordering lunches as part of their registration. There is only one event (Congress) and one judge category (IE).

How to Use This Sandbox

Register for the sandbox as you would a tournament. Follow the directions on the “General” tab. You'll register students in Congress, designate a Congress-preferred judge, and upload a bill/resolution or two (or maybe just an empty template). Then you’ll get your lunch count, order meals, and order a free coach’s lunch.

You’ll be able to go back and make changes (even swap out legislation) until the sandbox closes on Wednesday, October 3. If you have questions, feel free to contact Josh Schneider.