Valley Round Robin Extravaganza

2018 — West Des Moines, IA, IA/US

Electronic ballots this year! (Finally!)

Please check in on Thursday night and let me know that everyone is here and/or going to be here. Email:

Make sure you are prompt to the banquet @ 6pm at Valley. Food's going to be great. 



Valley Round Robin

Sophomore Throw-Down

Public Forum Round Robin

WDM Library

WDM Marriott

WDM Christian Church

7:00 am - Setup

6:30 am -Setup

7:00 am - Setup

7:30 am - Breakfast

7:00 am - Breakfast

7:30 am - Breakfast

8:15 am - Round 1

8:00 am - Round 1

8:00 am - Round 1

9:30 am - Round 2

9:15 am - Round 2

9:30 am - Round 2

10:45 am - Round 3

10:30 am - Round 3

11:00 am - Round 3

Noon - Lunch

11:45 am - Lunch

12:15 pm - Lunch

12:45 pm - Round 4

12:30 pm - Round 4

1:00 pm - Round 4

2:00 pm - Round 5

1:45 pm - Round 5

2:30 pm - Round 5

3:15 pm - Finals

3:00 pm - Semis

4:00 pm - Finals

6:00 pm - Banquet @ Valley

4:15 pm - Finals

6:00 pm - Banquet @ Valley


6:00 pm - Banquet @ Valley